Start-ups? Dream of few, joke for many.

Parimal Mishra
4 min readApr 15, 2020
Race to learn

Have you ever wondered what is the success rate of start-ups in India? If you are reading this then you must have thought of a start-up in your lifetime. You must have pursued it as well, but there are very high chances of you leaving it in the midway. Why won’t you because when you would have looked at the success rate of start-ups in India after a long frustrating and tiring day pursuing your dream you would have thought that the job was much better, or the job is much better (if you are handling both at the same time). You would have questioned yourself, why the hell you got into it in the first place. To these,

You got into it because you believed in it.

You got into it because you felt that it could be something useful.

You got into it because it was your brainchild and you couldn’t believe that anything could go wrong with it.

You got into it because you had faith in yourself that you can pull this off.

These were the thoughts which came to your mind when you first thought about it. Then, your adrenaline rush inside you could let you think about the failure side of it and this led you to overlook the importance of weighing the pro and cons. At that point, you didn’t care that the success rate of start-ups in India is just 4%. With all the thoughts in your mind, you started your aspiring journey to become a successful entrepreneur on a very high note.

You had the idea; you knew the path but now you required a team. A team which will work in turning your idea into reality, a team that would improvise and innovate to build a better version of your thought, a team which would work equally dedicated as you are. But this doesn’t happen. When you start pitching in your ideas, you will meet only the critics, a hell lot of critics. These will be the ones who cannot see any good in your initiative but will never forget to tell you what’s wrong with it. Appreciate their initiative as they are helping you in finding the loopholes but at the same time acknowledge the fact that they are the ones who don’t dare to do what you are doing. Even after all this, if you haven’t lost faith in yourself and you decide to keep on with the search for the ideal team, you will become a subject for memes. Memes because, “What’s a dream for you, is a joke for others”. In reality, you cannot get your dream team, you cannot get people who are ready to put in their time in your idea and improvise it, you cannot find individuals who are equally dedicated as you are, easily. You cannot find people who can share the credit of the idea with you till the time you haven’t made a name for yourself.

A lot has to be done

Everyone wants to make a name for themselves, but no one is ready to pay the price for it. A price in the form of your faith in the idea, never-ending dedication and courage to take every possible risk to live their dreams. But why would they? You don’t have the credentials, you are not known, nobody knows you, no one has believed in you or your idea. What grounds you stand so that you can find a team to put in their blood and sweat for an idea which you only think has a guaranteed chance of success. But there is a big catch which needs to be discussed and that catch is MONEY. You can do anything if you can own these 5 letters in your pockets. You can easily find people with this magical thing who are ready to put in their everything for you as long as you put MONEY in their pockets. Nobody will question you or your idea and that is the magical power which comes with this magical thing. In India, we worship Lordess Saraswati as the goddess of knowledge but what have we become now? A hoard of people who are just after money and not knowledge. But have you ever thought where has that magical thing came from? It came from the price which was once paid by the owner in the form of faith, dedication and courage. If you have these 3 today, you will have the magical thing tomorrow.

To all these, every start-up idea was a joke once. Every organization was once a dream, but the only thing which differentiates them from the budding start-ups is the mindset of the individuals leading it. The one with more persistence wins.

I would conclude by saying don’t aim at being a learned entrepreneur instead of becoming a successful entrepreneur. There are chances that one might fall in the 96% but I believe persistence can turn the tables and we can have 4% as the rate of failure.

“Be known for your efforts rather than your money.”

